Early in 2018 Marvel, Eidos, and Crystal Dynamics brought Gus Mendonca on board to help them conceptualize a new and incredibly ambitious Avengers game. The Avengers project embodied many early childhood passions for Gus, including Comic Books, Video Games, and Concept Art.
Gus worked on many aspects of the game from environments to character and vehicle designs. At the early stages of the Avengers visual development, Gus focused on broadening the scope of ideas and visual pathways that the project could take by creating ideation sketches and brainstorm boards to communicate different possibilities. Once the direction became clear, Gus started the process of creating highly detailed concept illustrations and 3D production designs to serve as the blueprint for the visual elements of the Avengers.
"It was an honor to contribute to the amazing Marvel Universe."
The images below are a small sample of the conceptual work Gus created for Marvel Avengers.